3am Marathon Session

Just got done feeding my little cherub, who broke his own record:


Since I had some time I was checking out different Facebook pages & reading about breastfeeding. While I was aware of World Breastfeeding Week a couple weeks ago (many sites had some great contests/giveaways, not that I won any), I didn’t realize August is National Breastfeeding Monthrl

It’s so hard to believe that in an age where we have access to literally infinite amounts of information at our immediate disposal, something that has nourished babies since the beginning of time can be considered taboo because of where babies’ food comes from.

Honestly, three months ago I was there too.  I thought breastfeeding was kind of weird but something id try because the potential health benefits to my baby were well documented and literally everyone, from my doctors to hospital staff, pushed it.  I’m still not comfortable talking to acquaintances, coworkers or my husband’s cousins about my nursing, but in the last almost 10 weeks I’ve discovered that breastfeeding is a completely beautiful, natural, wonderful, cheap way to feed my child that can be exhausting but strangely satisfying for us both.  It’s just sad that doing it in public can be seen as of an act of social defiance…  Or does it make it kind of cooler?

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